Jenny Robert

Jennny Robert

Born and raised in the mountainous Goroka, the capital of the Eastern Highland Province of Papua New Guinea, Jenny Robert is a local indigenous artist who designs and creates dresses, caps and bilum bags. Made traditionally and with locally sourced materials, Jenny, who now resides in Kamkumung, Lae, was taught this skill by her beloved mother. Bilum dresses are traditnally hand-woven for ceremonial events, Bride-Price, Wedding, Graduation and can take 80 -120 hours to weave laboriously by hand, every stich in perfect place, often done In poor lighting after managing the family duties of the day. Jenny is amaster-craftswoman in this field and her work is sought across PNG.

Born into in a troubled family, Jenny was left to raise her younger brother after her parents separated and her mother left the family. Later her father forced her out of the family home. With no education and nowhere to go, Jenny resorted to an early marriage. Now with four children of her own Jenny works hard to provide for their needs.

With a distinct perspective of the world around her and a deep desire to support her children, Jenny works hard to learn and master the techniques to produce durable, intricately woven bags and dresses.


In this tropical environment where the majority of inhabitants live largely traditional lives in agricultural societies – Jenny dedicates much of her time to her art with some artefacts taking up to a few weeks to create.

Having spent over 20 years developing her skill, she gleans inspiration from her family, her culture and the picturesque landscape around her that is Papua New Guinea.
Jenny is driven not only by a passion for creative art and keeping her culture alive, but also by a desire to educate and empower her children. She works tirelessly every day to ensure her four children will have a better future.